Thursday, November 12, 2009

Workshop Miscalculation

So I bethought me to sign up for the UK Workshop forum Hand Tool Secret Santa, right? 'Cos a deadline by which I'd have had to get in the workshop and make something can be nothing but a Good Thing, right? And it's worked; I've made shavings. And firewood and lots of mistakes... But I made one miscalculation, didn't I? By the nature of the thing I can't blog about what I'm doing. D'oh.

Actually maybe it's just as well. The woodworking gods are taking revenge on me for my neglect with one damn thing after another. The most annoying being that I managed to walk right into the protruding metal angles that the bandsaw fence run on. Result; a deep and painful bruise on my arm which is slowing me up even more. Heigh ho.

Meanwhile the UPS man has called with a pre-production example of the Veritas Skew Block plane. This is an unusual case in that the existence and appearance of this plane is out in the public domain already, so just for once I can say what I'm getting to play with - er, rigourously test. Unfortunately I still have to remember not to say what I think about it! Grrr. Should be an interesting weekend though...


  1. I believe it was R. Burns who noted that the best-laid plans of would-be bloggers gang aft agley. My own Christmas schedule - a Shaker table for my sister - is already far, far agley.

  2. *****I've made shavings. And firewood and lots of mistakes... ******]

    Best news we've heard from your neck of the woods for some time !!

    Hope the roof is still on the workshop.

    Di & Chas


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