I did manage to take a few at Yandles on Friday though, and they sum up the visit rather well, I think. First, met up with various UK Workshoppers, went to drool all over the Classic Hand Tools stand and watched Philly spend money:

Then wandered about to look at the stands and saw - amongst other things that didn't come out well in the photos - some weird turnings:

Subsequently adjourned to drool over the timber in the wood store (that's just a fraction of what was there. Oh for a big lorry instead of a small hatchback...):

I contented myself with a modest piece of purpleheart, ostensibly for my brother's birthday present but also with a view to there being some left for a chisel handle or two... Heavy stuff though, so I popped back to the car to drop it off, only to return in time to see Philly spend some more money and spirit away another purchase into his Mobile Black Hole For Tools.

Thus neatly bringing the visit full circle. It's possible that I was able to be good about not buying any tools myself simply because I was able to shop vicariously through Phil. It's practically a public service he's doing there. Well that's probably his excuse anyway...
Tomorrow, Big Bash stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe Missus walked by as I was reading this and said "Isn't that you? I didn't see you bring that home......."
Busted, good and proper. It's a fair cop, Guv, etc ;)
Twas fun at Yandles-good to meet up with you all again!
Nice to have another excuse to wheel out, too.
Ouch! Sorry, Phil. =8-O Still, it was a Good Buy so it doesn't count, does it? :)