Wednesday, March 23, 2011

That means you

As I careful cleaned up a drawknife (Ward & Payne, about 10") I repeated a mantra to myself over and over; "Drawknives are evil and will try to bite. Be careful of the edge. Drawknives are evil and will try to bite. Be careful of the edge."

Then proceeded to slice my finger on the edge.


New - edited - mantra: "Drawknives are evil and will try to bite. Be careful of the edge. That means you too, stupid."


  1. Alf

    Sorry to hear about that mishap.

    I kept a yard or so of an old garden hose and use pieces of it, slit lengthways, on the sharp edges of these tools, whenever I am not using them to cut. The incidence of blood in the shed has gone down dramatically since these prophylactics were applied!



  2. I use slidebinders - those bits of folded plastic that hold bunches of A4 papers together. These things:

    (No commercial connection). They stay put and they're edge-friendly

  3. Good suggestions both, chaps. I make wooden guards for mine - alas, of no help when you're wiping on some wax to stop the evil thing rusting. Talk about ungrateful...


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