He's managed to muck up all those carefully scrubbed perches with all the juice of course. Sigh. Parrots, who'd have 'em?
Woodworking? Hah, don't make me laugh. I have a hazy recollection of some sort of building not far from here with, dunno, tools of some sort in it? What was it called? Some sort of work space? Shop of some kind...? So much for getting Crimbo pressies done - not touched tool to wood in weeks; feels more like years. Heigh ho, looks like I've got a parcel of plough plane website updating to do though, so that'll keep me busy and even longer from the... you know... on the tip of my tongue... place to make stuff... got some machines and such in there... wood and so forth I seem to recall... you know, the wotchamacallit...
Well done, Bertie !!!
ReplyDeletePaul Chapman