Well after all the thinking and planning, I've finally posted the (in all likelihood) Beta version of the Combination plane how-to. The final hurdle of getting words, pictures and video (yes, video!) all together was not helped by a very flaky connection today, but I got there in the end. Feels like my head could do with a good swill out though, possibly with a bottle brush to clean out the crevices. I'm mazed by combination planes.
I suppose at some point I'll have to revisit it all again and put up a version on the website. Not sure I want to contemplate that just now... Anyway, perhaps you can see why the blog slackened off a bit recently. Should get back to normal now, I hope.
A fantastic piece of work, Alf, that will probably result in several new converts to these wonderful planes.
Paul Chapman
Congratulations Alf on a superb effort, as a hobbyist 'round spinny thing' convert sort of person I do not partake of much plane driving these days but I found your efforts inspirational, worthy of going down in the "save for all time how-to's"
excellent Alf ... the sound of the plane cutting in your video was music.....