Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday Stinks

This is mainly for my benefit; rather like listing tools used. If I keep a record of what pen and inks I'm using every week so often, I can see what keeps cropping up, and whatever vanishes from sight can be disposed of.

See? I'm totally going to stay on top of this thing from the start.

Yes, I am.

Should a flicker of interest flare briefly in anyone and they want further illumination of any aspect, speak up.


  1. I like the look of the black pen in the crease of the book. Seems stately, somehow.

    1. 'Tis a sleekit beastie, is it not? I fear my resolve not to get involved in secondhand pen buying is going to be effectively blown out of the water by such handsome implements. Hey ho.

  2. We've taken to taking Saturdays off, to relax and re-align, since the long-awaited day when life would slow down doesn't seem like it's coming. Reading about your efforts to slow down, and write more cleanly and clearly has a lot of appeal for just that reason. I need to slow down, and take the time more often, so I find myself thinking that working on my own hand writing would have merit.

    Alas, that day also seems like it's going to be long in coming. So It would be nice to live vicariously through your efforts. Do you find yourself slowing down and thinking more clearly, even just to match pace with your hands? What other effects has it had on you? (Besides the twitches at the purple ink)

    1. Oh, good questions; I will have a consideration on that, and perhaps dedicate a post rather than reply here. (And you're right, I am twitching at purple ink - I hadn't even realised. Thing is I like purple, but I can't yet seem to find a purple ink I like. Oh well, only about 50 different ones I haven't tried yet, so there's still hope...!)

  3. One of my favourite purple inks is Diamine Amazing Amethyst. It's soft not scary purple.

  4. Thanks to your switch in inking about your interests, a long latent switch was flipped for me. In the past month I've bought a Pilot Metropolitan, Pilot Prera, and a Lamy Al Star. Slippery indeed...

    1. Oh, Josh, I do apologise; the angle of Slope is horrific. I came close to ordering a Parker Frontier last night, which is lunacy because I've always hated Parkers! But so many nibs crying out "I could be The One". Aaargh! (Also: Ooo, a Prera; keep hovering over one of dem in ivory. Resisted thus far...)


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