Meanwhile the new GWW arrived this morning. Apparently the shelves of WHSmith's have become Phil's second home. :~D 'Fraid despite the presence of The Gloatmeister the sub for GWW is gonna have to go. It's just annoying me now; not the content but the blasted presentation. Sad when I've subscribed uninterupted since issue #48, but it's the only way I can register my protest and keep my blood pressure at reasonable levels. I'll have to get in touch with my brother, who gives me the sub for Crimbo, to stop the renewal due in two issue's time. I dunno, what with that, the increasing dissapointment of F&C and FWW's downward turn, it looks like PWW is the only one to look forward to - when it comes! Thank goodness for the 'net to keep me (in)sane and up-to-date with The Gloatmeister's daring do. ;~)
Friday, July 29, 2005
Meanwhile the new GWW arrived this morning. Apparently the shelves of WHSmith's have become Phil's second home. :~D 'Fraid despite the presence of The Gloatmeister the sub for GWW is gonna have to go. It's just annoying me now; not the content but the blasted presentation. Sad when I've subscribed uninterupted since issue #48, but it's the only way I can register my protest and keep my blood pressure at reasonable levels. I'll have to get in touch with my brother, who gives me the sub for Crimbo, to stop the renewal due in two issue's time. I dunno, what with that, the increasing dissapointment of F&C and FWW's downward turn, it looks like PWW is the only one to look forward to - when it comes! Thank goodness for the 'net to keep me (in)sane and up-to-date with The Gloatmeister's daring do. ;~)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
You can call me Speedy...
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
You've been framed
Monday, July 25, 2005
Planning ahead and behind
Anyway, I'm starting to think about what to make next. I have an urgent need for storage for CDs and such, but on the other hand I could do something about Christmas presents now instead of waiting until the last minute like usual. Oh, and there's my brother's 25th wedding anniversary in October which I suppose I ought to do something about. I know, inconsiderate of them to choose the same year eh? It gets much worse next year; nephew's 18th, brother's 50th, mum's - shhhh- 75th etc etc. It's a flippin' nightmare.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
I'll get my coat. And another coat. And another. And...
In other news I'm trying to put in some time with the diamond paste. At the moment I'm most impressed with the coarsest and finest; the former for back flattening quick-time and the latter for a really sharp edge. The middle grades have been less wow-full, and as it happens they were from a different source, although the syringe type suggests they're all from the same manufacturer. I know said maker does make different grades for metal removal as opposed to glass, gems etc, so maybe they're slightly different composition? Ach well, no matter, and it's still early days.
Oh, and the less said about the first Test the better. Huh. Even the English weather can't do a decent job...
Monday, July 18, 2005
Sixpenny Tables
Oh, and I'm getting to grips with the diamond paste a little more. Less successfully with the Veritas irons at the moment, but the L-N skew block was hair-poppingly sharp after the 0.25 micron. I thought I was getting things pretty sharp before, but evidentally I was deluded...
Friday, July 15, 2005
Oven Hot at Alf Towers
Workshop temperature - 112F
Progress - 0
Instead I'm reading "Ice Cold in Alex" as all the talk of heat, flies and thirst fits the current situation perfectly. But it ain't woodworking. :~(
Progress - 0
Instead I'm reading "Ice Cold in Alex" as all the talk of heat, flies and thirst fits the current situation perfectly. But it ain't woodworking. :~(
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Spare any change, guv?
Anyway I bunked off the finishing yesterday to go to the Wood Fair (pics here), which was fun. I'm also trying to get round to trying out the diamond paste, but I really need to clear the decks of the side table parts before I do that. Verily, there's no such thing as a workshop that's "big enough"...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Lord of the Rings
Further progress has been made, but no pics until Charley's finished moving my web space to his new server. Worryingly there's still no glaring cock-up to report. Anyone got any ideas as to how wrong chamfering the underside edges of the tops could go? Just so I know what to look out for...
In other news, London won the curse of hosting the Olympics in 2012, and I'm thrilled. Not because I particularly wanted the Olympics to drop us all into terrible debt, but because we Beat The French! Or should that be the Red Team...? That'll teach M.Chirac to be rude about our fine cuisine. Not that I have anything against the French per se, it's just, sometimes, it's rather nice to pull le carpet out from under their feet like that. ;~) Does this make Seb Coe* Lord of the Rings now?
*For 'Murican readers, Sebastian Coe, Olympic winning runner was, er, running the campaign, and he's also a Lord. For everyone else, "Olympic rings", see? Oh never mind...
In other news, London won the curse of hosting the Olympics in 2012, and I'm thrilled. Not because I particularly wanted the Olympics to drop us all into terrible debt, but because we Beat The French! Or should that be the Red Team...? That'll teach M.Chirac to be rude about our fine cuisine. Not that I have anything against the French per se, it's just, sometimes, it's rather nice to pull le carpet out from under their feet like that. ;~) Does this make Seb Coe* Lord of the Rings now?
*For 'Murican readers, Sebastian Coe, Olympic winning runner was, er, running the campaign, and he's also a Lord. For everyone else, "Olympic rings", see? Oh never mind...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Buttoned Up
And for those folks who don't read the Off Topic section of UK Workshop, may I recommend a gawp at the Wooden iPod? I suddenly find myself wanting an iPod; my el-cheapo MP3 player doesn't lend itself to a wooden makeover unfortunately.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
'Lac-ing excitement

Talking of car boot sales, found another saw this morning. A 12", or might be 14" back saw, can't recall, with nearly all its teeth jointed away. Oh, and a Yankee screwdriver bit, which I belatedly realised is bent, but for 20p I'll take the trouble of hitting it wiv an 'ammer to straighten it I suppose. The question is, should I have bought the 8" steel-backed dovetail saw for £5? Oh well, too late now. The WS Manufacturing Ltd. #4 was still there to taunt me; it's getting harder and harder to resist...
And before you ask, no, I haven't done the buttons yet. I think they've become my new Woodworker's Block...
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Buttons and bows
Funny thing. It's not 'til you come to look for it that you discover there seems to be very little detail about the use of buttons for fixing tables tops swilling about. I have, ha-hum, a wide range of woodworking books from which to choose, but barely anything on the subject. Exactly how many does one need for a 13 1/2" (don't ask) square table top? I suppose eight, two each side, in order to "hold the corners down". My search for info did turn up quite a nice resume of the options here, plus some really nice pieces they've been used on here. Got me wondering if that could be a subject for an article for Good Woodworking mag in fact. Then I saw the "new look" that arrived on the doormat this morning and realised my writing for them is never going to happen. I don't have the necessary ability to write in the printed equivalent of a sound bite, which seems to be the trend they're adopting. I daresay the multitude will love the new look, but when I see the same features they've always had, but just with new names, and "interviews" that comprise two-thirds of a page, half of which is a photograph of the interviewee, I find it hard to buy into the style when the content is so disappointing.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Leggin' it
Did I mention about the falling through of the first diamond paste order? Well I ended up ordering from two different places instead, and the first half arrived today. Man, those syringes look like they contain shots for a horse... I won't tell you how long it took me to work out how to get the stuff out of the damn thing, but no, you don't just press the plunger. Oi vey, what have I let myself in for?
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