The workbench is currently littered with saw-filing paraphernalia so propped up in the toolchest was the only place I could find to take its family portrait. Do I need another block plane? Er, no? But the plan is to get one of those rear totes R's been trailing for months and use it as a dedicated mini-smoother. I've been feeling the lack of one for a while now - and yes, I know about the #03, but how would it cope all alone in a sea of upward-facing bevels? Eh? Never thought of that, did you? Honestly this Veritas thing is getting out of hand; if I ever do make myself a tool cabinet I'm going to have to call it "Vino".
In vino veritas, see? Gettit? Oh, be like that then...
Anyway, the saw sharpening has seen a 14" Tyzack Sons & Turner (with immaculate, untouched nuts - if you'll pardon the expression...) back to useable life. I successfully butchered it in my early saw sharpening days when I failed to heed all the warnings about not stopping halfway through. It ended up cutting on the pull stroke halfway along... D'oh. It's now fully restored and bootiful - even if it did take me four passes to get the teeth back in order. That reminds me, I need new saw files.
I also sharpened up the F Constantine back saw I mentioned here. Much to my chagrin a couple of teeth pinged off during the sharpening process - never had that before. It doesn't effect the cut, which is smooth, but I just wish they hadn't broken off. I feel kinda bad about it. So it was with some worry that I tackled the (probably older) Brookes saw I got last weekend. But it was okay and sharpened up a treat, once I'd peered at it to try and decide if it should be rip or crosscut. In the end it seemed to have the vestiges of a crosscut configuration, so that's what I went with again. Been a very long time since I sharpened a hand saw, especially one with a mere 5.5ppi; it's quite a different thing to finer teeth to my mind. Small teeth need good eyesight. Large teeth need brute force. Or is it just that I need a sharp file...?
That reminds me again; I need new saw files.
I did one light pass on the Disston D8 but that file was in terrible condition too, so I couldn't do a proper job on it at all. Merde, this is going to get expensive.
Finally it's that time of the year again, when a young galoot's thoughts turn to the irritations of UPS and the delights of Lee Valley boxes. Done the first bit already, but I'm supposed to be tackling the skew jig doodah next and frankly it looks too complicated for a galoot of Very Little Brain. Strikes me as the kind of thing that will delight the engineering types. The sooner they get back to wheeling out some planes the happier I shall be...
Glad to "see" some previously unloved saws come back to use!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the cost of saw files add up! fwiw, I only buy two sizes, 6" and 4", both double ES. Don't have time to mess around with ensuring that the tops of teeth meet just under half of the width of the file.
I like the Brookes. Has a nice look to the handle.
Take care, Mike
Ah, that's handy to know, Mike, thanks. Just gotta find any size of double extra slims at all first... I've fired off emails to Bahco and Nicholson asking for UK stockists, so finger's crossed.
ReplyDeleteI'll get some pics ;~) just as soon as I can clear an area of bench top large enough to put saws on!