'Lac-ing excitement
Dissolving shellac really is on a par with watching paint dry. Except drying paint doesn't require me to pay attention and remember to shake the bloomin' stuff every-so-often. Needless to say, despite having the jar of blonde, de-waxed flakes and solvent right here next to the keyboard, I forgot to give it a quick swill round and it's stuck in a big clump at the bottom. Apparently a coffee grinder is handy to grind up the flakes so they'll dissolve quicker, so I've been keeping an eye open for one at the car boot sales. I did find one a couple of weeks ago, but it was full of coffee beans and they smelt so wonderful and it seemed such a shame to just toss them, I didn't even ask how much the grinder was but just walked on. I know; crazy. Hmm, looking at that jar, I could do with a little more alcohol in there. I mix it Galoot Fashion, which means to toss a few flakes in the jar and cover them with the solvent. Refreshingly hit'n'miss, I think you'll agree...
Talking of car boot sales, found another saw this morning. A 12", or might be 14" back saw, can't recall, with nearly all its teeth jointed away. Oh, and a Yankee screwdriver bit, which I belatedly realised is bent, but for 20p I'll take the trouble of hitting it wiv an 'ammer to straighten it I suppose. The question is, should I have bought the 8" steel-backed dovetail saw for £5? Oh well, too late now. The WS Manufacturing Ltd. #4 was still there to taunt me; it's getting harder and harder to resist...
And before you ask, no, I haven't done the buttons yet. I think they've become my new Woodworker's Block...
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